Connection & Social Justice Action Alerts

 1. Youth Justice: Black kids are 30 – 30! – times more likely than white kids to get locked up in NJ, even though they commit most offenses at similar rates. The Youth Justice Transformation Act would invest in front-end programs to keep kids in their communities and out of the system whenever possible, and close down the youth prisons in NJ, instead investing in rehabilitative facilities. This Action Alert allows advocates to contact their legislative reps and the Governor to urge them to support this bill.

Action Alert link here:

2. Voting Rights Restoration: Over 100,000 people in NJ cannot vote due to criminal convictions. Almost half are Black, even though only 15% of NJ’s population is. This is a shameful form of voter suppression. S2100/A3456 would restore the right to vote to those in prison, on parole and on probation. This Action Alert allows advocates to urge their representatives and the Governor to support this bill.

Action Alert link here:



Habitat for Humanity &
Affordable Homeownership

Click here for information

Partnership for Maternal & Child Health of Northern New Jersey is offering

Free Pregnancy Testing

Call (973) 942-3630

Testing Provided at 5 Convenient Locations in Passaic County:

Paterson Health Dept--176 Broadway
Mondays 9:30am to 11:30am
Tuesdays and Thursdays 1pm to 3pm

OASIS--59 Mill Street
1st/3rd Monday of the month
12:00pm to 2pm

Family Success Center--79 Ellison Street
Wednesdays 2pm to 4pm

St. Joseph's WIC--185 6th Ave.
Fridays 9:30am to 11am

Passaic WIC--333 Passaic Street
1st and 3rd Tuesday of the month
9:00am to 11:00am

Pruebas de Embarazo Gratis

Llamen Hoy (973) 942-3630

Localizados en Cinco Lugares Convenientes!

Paterson Health Dept--176 Broadway
Lunes 9:30am to 11:30am
Martes y Jueves 1pm to 3pm
12:00pm to 2pm

OASIS--59 Mill Street
Primer y Tercer Lunees del mes
12:00pm to 2pm

Family Success Center--79 Ellison Street
Miercoles 2pm to 4pm

St. Joseph's WIC--185 6th Ave.
Miercoles de 2 a 4pm
Viernes 9:30am to 11am

Passaic WIC--333 Passaic Street
Primer y Tercer Martes del mes
9:00am to 11:00am